Dark Passions Depraved Nation

Jack Or Jill Hunt 5.0 - 6 Days Left

February 23, 2016Bcreative Wilde

Image By: Ginger FanShaw - Nails Featured: Black Tie Affair
The end of February is upon us so there's only a few days left to hunt for this elegant set of nails. Elegantly designed for a night on the town or the red carpet. Join the hunt for the "Black Tie Affair" Nail applier Fatpack at Dark Passions. Don't forget to hunt for the other goodies from other designers taking part in the Jack or Jill Hunt this round. This prize is part of the Jill track but men can wear these too as slink and omega are available.

Event: Jack Or Jill Hunt 5.0
Dates: February 1-28, 2016
Hint Page: http://depravednation.com

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