Charity Event
Dark Passions
Dark Passions @ the Summer KT Creators Festival
July 23, 2017Bcreative Wilde
Dark Passions has joined up this round bringing you two new items that give 50% of the sale price to the charity. I'm really excited that I could finally have an event to create these for. I know several of my customers have asked for Autism Awareness nails in the past.
All additional fatbacks I have at the event will also give 50%. Not only that but all are marked down to 200L.
Thanks to bishybaby resident for the blog image to the right of the Autism Awareness nails pictured below. I decided to create 2 versions one is more cutesy for those that don't like the super bold colors in Autism Awareness II.
There are many other fun activities, gachas, DJs and one of a kind auctions at the event so please stop by and just donate if you don't want to buy anything.
Event: Summer KT Creators Festival
Dates: July 14 - 30, 2017
Charity: World Autism Organisation
Donation: All Dark Passions Items Donate 50%
To The Event