Dark Passions Discount

The Power of Voodoo......

June 05, 2015Bcreative Wilde

"But She Knows She Has A Curse On Her, A Curse She Cannot Win. For If Someone Gets Too Close to Her,  The Pins Stick Farther In."
Image By GiaNikai Juliesse - Featured Item: Voodoo Pinned Nails (Maitreya Version)
The power of Voodoo!
     Who do?
          You do.
              Do what?
Remind you of the Horror Haute sale extension!
So you didn't miss out on getting the Voodoo Pinned Nail Appliers for Slink & Maitreya for only 50L. You can still get it for this low price if you sneak over to Horror Haute.. You can get them at the main store but not the dea1 so thank Horror Haute for the surprise sale extension.

Teleport To Horror Haute

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